We are moving. But don't worry, we're only moving our home, not our passion for great care products! From 23.05. - 31.07.2024 there will therefore probably be delivery bottlenecks. We apologize for the waiting time and thank you for your patience during our move! Best regards, Your Dr. Wack Team.

Data protection

Privacy and data protection

We use your data for the sole purpose of processing your order. We store andprocess all customer data in compliance with the prevailing regulations of the Bundesdatenschutzgesetze, BDSG (German Federal data protection act) and Teledienstdatenschutzgesetz,TDDSG (teleservice data protection act).

You are entitled to request information on, correct, block or delete your stored data at any time. Please refer to wack.info@wackchem.com or send us your request by post or fax.

We do not forward your personal data, including postal and e-mail addresses, to third parties without your explicit and revocable consent.

Exceptions to this are our service partners who require the transfer of data for the purpose of order processing (e.g. the carrier for delivery or the credit institute for payment processing).

In these cases, the data is restricted to only the necessary minimum. We employ technical and organizational security measures in order to protect your data against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or accessby unauthorized third parties.


Your E-Mail adress will be used for own purpose at your newsletter registration until your deregistration. The deregistration is possible at any time.

What are cookies?

This Website uses so called "cookies". They help us to make our website perform better for you as a visitor, they increase the safety of the website for example and make it more efficient in terms of fast navigation and loading of the elements on the website. With cookies we can measure how often the website is visited and which services are used most. cookies are little text files which will be stored on your computer.

At this website you are able to learn more about the functionality of cookies and how they work http://www.allaboutcookies.org/.

Which types of cookies do we use?

Cookies are categorized as following:

Type 1

Absolutely necessary cookies


This Cookies are necessary for the full functionality of the website. Without them the website will not work probably.

Type 2



These cookies allow us to increase the comfort and service of the website. They provide several services for the user.

Type 3



These cookies are collecting data about the usage of the website.


These cookies are used on wackchem.com:

Cookie Name

Cookie Description

Cookie Type



Type 1


Wack Account Session Cookie

Type 1


Disable Cache when the connection is secured

Type 2


Language Code for Shopware

Type 1


Google Analytics

Type 3


Google Analytics

Type 3


Google Analytics

Type 3


Google Analytics

Type 3


Google Analytics

Type 3


How can cookies be disabled?

When you are using our website you allow the usage and storage of cookies on your device. It is also possible to visit the website without the storage of these cookies. Most of the web browsers accept cookies by default.

If you want to disable the usage of cookies on your device, please follow the helpdesk on your browser. You can also change the settings so that you're notified about new cookies and completle disable all types of cookies there.

By blocking cookies completely you will probably no longer get individual offers on our website, also many contents and services will no longer be displayed. In mention of this issues we advise you to allow cookies on your browser and device.

Your right of information about your personally data

You have the right to get information about your data stored on our servers, also about the origin of that data, the recipient of this data and the purpose of the storage. Also you have a right on changing, inhibition and deleting of the data, following the operation of law.

If you want to know if your personal data was stored by us please contact wack.info(at)wackchem.com

Changes of the data privacy statement

All changes of the data privacy statement and the usage of cookies in the future, will be displayed here.